The TIMS Constitution can be downloaded here.

1.   Title

The Society shall be called The International Molinological Society (or TIMS).

2.   Emblem/badge

The Society’s emblem/badge shall be as illustrated above, having a depiction of a post mill (side profile) within a circle representing a water wheel. Around this circle shall be set the following:
The International Molinological Society  ·T·I·M·S·.

3.   Molinology

Molinology is the study of mills and other mechanical devices which use the energy of moving water or wind, or the strength of animal or human muscle to power machines for purposes such as hammering, grinding, pumping, sawing, pressing or fulling. More particularly, molinology aims to retain the knowledge of those traditional engines which have been rendered obsolete by modern technical and economic trends.

4.   Objects

The objects of the Society shall be:
a)   to promote all aspects of molinology worldwide;
b)   to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and information on molinology;
c)   TIMS shall be a non-profit making Society and its objects shall be promoted by all legal means.

To meet these objectives the Society shall:
-    organise Symposia at regular (maximum 5 year) intervals; publish papers presented at such Symposia in the form of Transactions;
-    organise Mid-term Tours at regular intervals between the Symposia;
-    oversee the compilation of a Dictionary of  Molinology in at least four languages;
-    encourage the compilation of a register of all known mill sites;
-    publish material on molinological subjects considered suitable by the Council;
-    assist in the co-ordination of national molinological activities if considered suitable.

5.   Membership

Membership of the Society shall be open to all individuals and organisations interested    in the objects of the Society.

6.   Finances

6.1    Society’s year:  

The Society’s year begins on 1st January and ends on 31st December.

6.2    Membership fees:

The main source of finances of the Society are the membership fees. The different membership fees shall be determined by the General Meeting on recommendation of the Council.

6.3    Financial Report:

The yearly Financial Report of the Society shall be considered by the Council for adoption, taking into account the review of the accounts and report by two ordinary members of TIMS, which were elected by the General Meeting. Adoption of reports by Council precedes submission to the General Meeting. The Financial Reports shall be submitted to the General Meeting for approval together with the review reports of the two members.

7.   Council

7.1    The management of the Society shall be in the hands of a Council, all of whom shall be members of TIMS. Membership of TIMS. Council shall depend in no way on membership of another organisation.

7.2    The Council shall comprise 3 Officers, 2 Symposium Chairmen and Ordinary Members. Also the Editor(s) of the publications of the Society in the Bibliotheca Molinologica series and of the bi-annually International Molinology, are Council Member. The Ordinary members shall each come from a different country. The Ordinary members shall each come from a different country.

7.3    The Officers are the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.

7.4    Ordinary members and Officers shall seek election or re-election at the General Meeting. Not more than 3 Council Members shall come from one country.

7.5    Ordinary members and Officers shall retire after a maximum span of 4 Symposia/the three intermitting periods or 12 years, whichever period shall be the longer.  

7.6    Symposium Chairmen shall be the Chairman of the current Symposium and the next Symposium, to be elected at the General Meeting.

7.7    Council will meet at least once a year. Council shall be summoned in writing by the President at least 8 weeks prior to a meeting. 7 persons shall form a quorum.

7.8    The Council can appoint Corresponding Members, that have a specific role within the Society. They are invited to attend the Council Meeting. Corresponding Members shall retire when their function is deemed ended by the Council.

7.9    The Council shall in its yearly meeting elect one of the Ordinary Council Members as Vice President. He will replace the President when the President for a longer period is not available to perform his tasks. The period of vice presidency starts when being elected and ends with the election of the new Vice President in the yearly Council Meeting in the next year.  

8.   General Meeting

8.1    The General Meeting of the Society shall be held in conjunction with each TIMS Symposium, or else at a time and place chosen by the Council.

8.2    The General Meeting shall be announced in writing, mailed to each member at least 12 weeks in advance. The Secretary shall notify all members of the Agenda and nominations for election to the Council. Items for inclusion in the Agenda should be brought to the Secretary’s notice 15 weeks before the General Meeting.

8.3    All motions shall be decided by a majority vote. In the event of a tied vote, the President  shall have a casting vote.

9.   Extra-Ordinary General Meeting

An extra-ordinary General Meeting can be summoned by not less than 25 members (representing at least 5 countries). Notice of such meeting shall be mailed to all members at least 12 weeks in advance of the meeting.

10.  Amendments

The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of members present at a General Meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given to all members by mailing this at least 12 weeks in advance.

11.  Language and Measurements

The standard language of TIMS shall be English and all measurements shall be in metric.

12.  Dissolution

The Society may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members voting at a General Meeting. In the event of the dissolution of the Society any assets shall be distributed among the national molinological societies or museums, according to the number of members from each country. Assets thus distributed shall be given to those societies or establishments meeting the objects stated in 4 above. In the event of dissolution any material held copyright by TIMS will be available for use by all participating molinological societies or museums.